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每年有數千人為了逃離「非洲之角」地區的戰亂和貧窮,冒著生命危險渡過亞丁灣,來到葉門。順利抵達的人之中,有三分之一來自飽受內戰之苦的索馬利亞,該國三十年來軍閥割據, 沒有一個能控制全國的中央政府。光是2010年的上半年,就有超過6,600名索馬利亞人逃到葉門。
Every year, thousands of people risk their lives crossing the Gulf of Aden to Yemen to escape conflict and poverty in the Horn of Africa. One third of those arriving are from Somalia, which has not had an effective central government for three decades and is torn apart by fighting. Some 6,600 Somalis reached Yemen in the first half of 2010.
Men fleeing from Somalia sleep in the desert, after traveling all night.