第五十四屆世界新聞攝影競賽的年度首獎由南非攝影師Jodi Bieber獲得,她的作品-阿富汗女子Bibi Aisha的肖像也在單幅肖像類中獲得首獎,該照片是Jodi Bieber為《時代雜誌》所拍攝,刊登在2010年8月9日出刊的雜誌封面。
Jodi Bieber的得獎照片是一名18歲阿富汗女子Aisha的肖像,她來自阿富汗的Oruzgan省,因為不堪夫家暴力相向,而逃回娘家。一天夜裡,塔利班上門捉人,要求她接受審判。塔利班的指揮官宣布判決之後,Aisha的小叔將她按住,由她的丈夫行刑,殘忍地割去雙耳和鼻子,然後再將Aisha棄之不顧,所幸因社工和美軍的營救,她進入了位於喀布爾(Kabul)的女性避難所。不久後,Aisha被帶往美國接受心理輔導和整形手術。如今,她仍住在美國。
評審主席David Burnett說:「有些照片是當別人提起『那位女子的照片…』的時候,你馬上就知道他在說什麼。我們一生中大概只有十張這樣的照片,而這張照片可能就是其中之一。」
評審Ruth Eichhorn提到:「這張影像力道十足,向世界透露一則訊息:全世界有約一半左右人口為女性,而有那麼多個『她』依然活在暴力的陰影下。它之所以帶來強烈的視覺衝擊,是因為相片中的女子看起來如此莊嚴沉穩。」
至於另一位評審Vince Aletti則說:「這是一張了不起的照片,十分與眾不同,同時也是一張令人生懼的照片。它拍攝的不僅是一個特定的女子,而是代表全世界女性的處境。」
而另一位評審Aidan Sullivan說:「世界新聞攝影展想把照片呈現在更多懂得提問的觀眾面前。這幅照片讓人不禁想問:『怎麼會…?』、『發生了什麼事?』、『怎麼回事?』對我來說,這幅照片提出了最重要的問題。」
The international jury of the 54th annual World Press Photo Contest has selected a picture by Jodi Bieber from South Africa as the World Press Photo of the Year 2010. The portrait of Bibi Aisha was also awarded First prize in the category Portraits Singles in this year’s contest. It was shot for Time and was featured on the cover of the 9 August issue of the magazine.
Her winning picture shows Bibi Aisha, an 18-year-old woman from Oruzgan province in Afghanistan, who fled back to her family home from her husband’s house, complaining of violent treatment. The Taliban arrived one night, demanding Bibi be handed over to face justice. After a Taliban commander pronounced his verdict, Bibi’s brother-in-law held her down and her husband sliced off her ears and then cut off her nose. Bibi was abandoned, but later rescued by aid workers and the American military. After time in a women’s refuge in Kabul, she was taken to America, where she received counseling and reconstructive surgery. Bibi Aisha now lives in the US.
Jury chair David Burnett said: ‘This could become one of those pictures – and we have maybe just ten in our lifetime – where if somebody says “you know, that picture of a girl…”, you know exactly which one they’re talking about.’
Juror Ruth Eichhorn commented: ‘It’s an incredibly strong image. It sends out an enormously powerful message to the world, about the 50% of the population that are women, so many of whom still live in miserable conditions, suffering violence. It is strong because the woman looks so dignified, iconic.’
Juror Vince Aletti said: ‘It’s a terrific picture, a different picture, a frightening picture. It’s so much about not just this particular woman, but the state of women in the world.’
Juror Aidan Sullivan said: ‘Part of what the World Press Photo contest does is to take pictures to a wider audience, an audience that is going to ask why? And this photo makes people ask “What on earth…?” “What’s going on…?” “What has happened…?” For me, this was the picture that asked the most important questions.’
The jury gave prizes in nine themed categories to 55 photographers of 23 nationalities from: Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Somalia, South Africa, Spain and the US.
This year, a record number of 108,059 images was submitted to the contest. The number of participating photographers was 5,847, representing 125 different nationalities.