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印度融合爵士「橋樑樂團」團長Poovalur Sriji_小檔.jpg  關於POOVALUR SRIJI (SRINIVASAN) – 南印度魔力單甘鼓演奏家/甘及拉手鼓演奏家/作曲家/教育學者. Poovalur Sriji 從小與演奏家父親 P.A. Venkataraman 學習魔力單甘鼓,延續家庭傳統。 已有超過三十年的時間,超過千場的演奏會,Poovalur 不斷的獲邀與世界級的南北印度音樂家到世界各地演出。移民美國後,也與多位美國知名音樂人合作,例如:Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Bela Fleck, Mark O’Connor, John Bergamo, Glen Velez…等等。他有許多運用南印度統音樂的創作,作品皆持續的被發表及發行。Poovalur Sriji 也曾獲贈數不清的獎項,還曾在與 Bela Fleck, V. M. Bhatt and J.P. Chenej共同創作的專輯 “Tabula Rasa”獲美國音樂界最高殊榮葛萊美獎提名。他是知名樂團 “Brahmah”的創辦人,同時也是”SNEW”以及”South Indian Cross Cultural Ensemble”的創辦人及總監。目前任教於美國音樂名校 University of North Texas, 曾任教於加州 Calarts 以及 San Diego State University (聖地牙哥州立大學)

POOVALUR SRIJI (SRINIVASAN) –a prolific composer, performer, educator studied South Indian Classical music from his father P.A. Venkataraman. For over three decades Poovalur has performed with the leading artist from both South and North Indian Classical traditions. Since his move to the United States Poovalur has performed and recorded with artists such as Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Bela Fleck, Mark O’Connor, John Bergamo, Glen Velez to name a few. Poovalur has composed several pieces portraying the South Indian idioms. Poovalur has received several awards from leading institutions, and the album Tabula Rasa, where he has composed and performed with Bela Fleck, V. M. Bhatt and J.P. Chen was nominated for a Grammy. He is the founding member of the group 'Brahmah'. He found and directs the 'SNEW' and the 'South Indian Cross Cultural Ensemble'. He is currently a faculty at the University of North Texas. He has taught at Calarts and the San Diego State University.

演出精髓整理 Career Highlight>

管絃樂團合作 Orchestral Appearance

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由世界知名的南印度魔力單甘鼓音樂家Poovalur Sriji帶領的音樂工作坊將在玉溪有容教育基金會的Studio 94舉行.

時間 _ 5.11早上十點到下午兩點(含午餐)

希望參加這場工作坊的專業音樂人請洽本工作坊負責人Paige Byassee <paige.byassee@gmail.com>, 以便了解更多工作坊的參加費用,內容與集合方式.

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