
Sriji獨奏/Sriji's Drum solo 

>  5.14.Sat│7:30-9:30  印度融合爵士「橋樑樂團」台北版

>  5.15 Sun│4:00-5:30  科羅曼德印度融合樂團 

印度融合爵士「橋樑樂團」團長Poovalur Sriji_小檔.jpg
POOVALUR SRIJI (SRINIVASAN)南印度魔力單甘鼓演奏家/甘及拉手鼓演奏家/作曲家/教育學者

Poovalur Sriji 從小與演奏家父親 P.A. Venkataraman 學習魔力單甘鼓,延續家庭傳統。 已有超過三十年的時間,超過千場的演奏會,Poovalur 不斷的獲邀與世界級的南北印度音樂家到世界各地演出。移民美國後,也與多位美國知名音樂人合作,例如:Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Bela Fleck, Mark O’Connor, John Bergamo, Glen Velez…等等。他有許多運用南印度統音樂的創作,作品皆持續的被發表及發行。Poovalur Sriji 也曾獲贈數不清的獎項,還曾在與 Bela Fleck, V. M. Bhatt and J.P. Chenej共同創作的專輯 “Tabula Rasa”獲美國音樂界最高殊榮葛萊美獎提名。他是知名樂團 “Brahmah”的創辦人,同時也是”SNEW”以及”South Indian Cross Cultural Ensemble”的創辦人及總監。目前任教於美國音樂名校 University of North Texas, 曾任教於加州 Calarts 以及 San Diego State University (聖地牙哥州立大學)


a prolific composer, performer, educator studied South Indian Classical music from his father P.A. Venkataraman. For over three decades Poovalur has performed with the leading artist from both South and North Indian Classical traditions. Since his move to the United States Poovalur has performed and recorded with artists such as Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Bela Fleck, Mark O’Connor, John Bergamo, Glen Velez to name a few. Poovalur has composed several pieces portraying the South Indian idioms. Poovalur has received several awards from leading institutions, and the album Tabula Rasa, where he has composed and performed with Bela Fleck, V. M. Bhatt and J.P. Chen was nominated for a Grammy. He is the founding member of the group 'Brahmah'. He found and directs the 'SNEW' and the 'South Indian Cross Cultural Ensemble'. He is currently a faculty at the University of North Texas. He has taught at Calarts and the San Diego State University.

< 演出精髓整理 Career Highlight>

管絃樂團合作 Orchestral Appearance

Caltech - Occidental Symphony Orchestra
Moscow Radio TV Symphony Orchestra (Concert in Tchaikovsky Hall) Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Milwaukee Chamber Music Orchestra
Hale Chamber Orchestra (East Germany)
Indian National Orchestra, Madras (All India Radio)

融合爵士 Jazz & Fusion

  Friendship - Friendship, part of Indian ensemble in an Indo-Russian-American production at Moscow

Concert at Royce Hall, UCLA featuring Dr. L. Subramanian, Larry Carlton, Ernie Watts, Emil Richards and others
Concert with Glen Velez at University of Cincinnati Music Conservatory and Capitol University, Columbus, Ohio
Conducted ensembles at University of North Texas and California Institute Of the Arts, featuring Maestros Glen Velez and John Bergamo
Conducted Eastern Music Ensemble featuring Jei Ping Chen, Geetha Bennett And Jamal Mohammad
Led "Tanjore" an East- west music band at Lotus Festival, Bloomington, Indiana for past four years
Concert tours to Germany, Russia, France, and U.K., FINLAND (Kuhmo Festival) Canada and all over United States: Ravinia Festival- Chicago, Mendocino Arts Festival- Mendocino, Museum of arts-Boston to mention a few.

A collaboration with Rudrsh Mahanthappa and Kadri Gopalnath which also features A. Kanykumari on violin, Rez Abbasi on guitars, Carlo de Rosa on bass and royal hartigan on drums.



Performed over 1000-concert since 1976.
Regular participant in Indian National Radio and Television, as a soloist and percussion ensemble Conductor
Invited by All India Radio Pondichery to record solos on rare talas for national archives in 1979.
Appeared with Dr. L. Subramanian for BBC London in 1989.


KGFM Radio, San Francisco
PBS Radio, Milwaukee
WGBH Radio, Boston
BBC Radio, London
AI Radio, India
KUCI Radio, Los Angeles
KGET Radio, Los Angeles
KSUA Radio, Alaska



L. Subramaniam & Yehudi Menuhin: CBS, India
USSR Radio: TV Symphony Orchestra: CBS, India
Friendship-Friendship: Jazz-Melodia, Rusia
Vina & Mridanga: Geetha Bennett: Sangeetha, India
Heroes: With Mark O' Conners and L . Shankar: Warner Bros. U. S. A.

Kalyani: L . Subramaniam: Waterlily Acoustics, U. S. A.
Electric Modes: L . Subramaniam: Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.

Tabula Rasa: V. M. Bhatt, J. P. Chen B. Fleck - Water Lily Acoustics

U.S. A.

Southern Brothers: Kadri & James Newton - Water Lily Acoustics

U.S. A.

Kambra Music in Native Tongues: D. Hidalgo, M. Simpson -

Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.
Vina Virtuoso: Geetha Bennett: Oriental records
Janani: Srikanth Chari: Dwani Productions, U. S. A.

Vina: Geetha Bennett: A. V. M. , India
Vina: Emani Kalyani: sangeetha, India
The Power of OM: Tom Koshy: Shadow Tribe Productions, U. S. A.
Nedunuri Live Concert: Produced by Rasa Records, U. S. A.

Salaam Bombay : Music Director L . Subramaniam - CBS, India

Last man Standing: Music Director Ry Cooder, Warner Bros. U. S. A.

Power of Chants - Tom Koshy, Shadow Tribe Productions, U. S. A.

Hands On'semble - John Bergamo, Randy Gloss, Austin Wrinkle, Andrew Grueschow & Pt. Swapan Chaudhuri - Tala mala, U.S.A.

Three - Hand's Onsemble

Kinsmen - Rudresh Mahanthappa, Pie Records. U.S.A.

Recordings yet to release:

Father And Son: V. M. Bhatt - Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.

Wu Man: Lalgudi G. J. R. Krishnan - Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.

David Hidalgo: Martin Simpson - Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.

Jei Ping Chen: Martin Simpson - Water Lily Acoustics U. S. A.

Prasanna & Poovalur: Kalakendra-Portland, U. S. A.

Prasanna & Poovalur: Ganesh Mandir, Alaska, U. S. A







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    2011世界新聞攝影展+展場live concert_音樂地圖

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