jamal's website _ www.jamalmohamed.com
知名手鼓演奏家和打擊樂手Jamal Mohamed曾參受邀出席許多國際音樂、舞蹈活動,也曾在世界各地舉辦工作坊,包括位於波士頓的柏克萊音樂學院、墨西哥市的國立美術學會、日本東京音樂學院、位於埃及開羅的美國大學、印尼巴里島的世界音樂中心以及香港大學等等。
生於黎巴嫩的Jamal從小在芝加哥一帶長大,在豐富的爵士藍調和家鄉中東音樂的耳濡目染之下成長。Jamal以演奏doumbek鼓聞名,他以這個古老的樂器將爵士與拉丁音樂融合在一起。他也設計並製作樂器,並涉足舞蹈、戲劇、電影和音樂療法等領域。2010年,鼓品牌Toca Percussion發表了以Jamal命名的鼓 - "Jamal Doumbek",由他與Toca合作設計。
目前Jamal與去年贏得《Drum!》最佳打擊樂團大獎的D'Drum樂團合作表演,他們也在一部獲得艾美獎的PBS短片裡紀錄下他們在旅程中觀察到的世界打擊樂;Jamal也和世界音樂團體Brahma以及爵士樂團Jampact攜手演出。Jamal目前任教於南衛理公會大學的Meadows藝術學院教授打擊樂並指導the Meadows世界音樂樂團。
Noted hand drummer and percussionist Jamal Mohamed has been a featured artist in many international music and dance events. He has presented percussion workshops at venues worldwide, including Berklee College of Music in Boston; the National Institute of Fine Arts in Mexico City; the Tokyo School of Music in Tokyo, Japan; the American University in Cairo, Egypt; the Center for World Music in Bali, Indonesia; and the University of Hong Kong, to name a few. He has performed with Sting, Mark O'Connor, Giovanni Hidalgo and many other well known artists.
A native of Lebanon, Jamal grew up in the Chicago area, where he was exposed to rich blues and jazz traditions as well as the Middle Eastern music he heard at home. Known for his virtuosity on the doumbek, Jamal has incorporated many innovative jazz and Latin styles with this ancient instrument. He designs and builds a number of the instruments he plays and has worked extensively in dance, theater, film and music therapy. In 2010 Toca Percussion introduced the "Jamal Doumbek," a signature drum he designed with Toca.
Currently, Jamal performs with the percussion group D'Drum. The group was just named the 2010 winner of Drum! magazine's award for best percussion group, and was also featured in an Emmy Award-winning PBS short film documenting the group's travels and observations related to world percussion. Jamal also performs with the world music group Brahma and the jazz ensemble Jampact. He serves on the faculty at Southern Methodist University's Meadows School of the Arts, where he teaches percussion and directs the Meadows World Music Ensemble.