著名的南非女性攝影師Jodi Bieber在8年前結束了約翰尼斯堡Market Theatre 攝影工作坊的課程後,於1993年加入了Star newspaper,展開專業攝影師的職業生涯。1996年是Jodi Bieber人生中的關鍵時刻,她參加荷蘭世界新聞攝影基金會主辦的Joop Swart Masterclass攝影工作坊,並開始接拍《紐約時報雜誌》等著名刊物的案子,另外她也接手非營利組織的專案,如無國界醫生(Medecins Sans Frontiere)。
Jodi Bieber曾八度獲得世界新聞攝影比賽的獎項,她的作品關注著被社會遺忘的角落,她以女性獨有的溫柔與細膩處理各種議題。在1994至2004的十年間,她將重心放在家鄉-南非,拍攝生活在社會邊緣的少年,他們為了生存所做的掙扎與奮鬥,讓他們失去了純真,這個議題或多或少影射了首次民選後的南非社會。此系列作品在2006年出版,書名為《BetweenDogs and Wolves – Growing up with SouthAfrica》,並在5個國家發行。
Nguyen Thi Li (9), who lives in the Ngu Hanh Son district of Da Nang in Vietnam, suffers from disabilities believed to be caused by the defoliating chemical Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, US forces sprayed Agent Orange over forests and farmland in an attempt to deprive Viet Cong guerrillas of cover and food. The dioxin compound used in the defoliant is a long-acting toxin that can be passed down genetically, so it is still having an impact forty years on. The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that some 150,000 Vietnamese children are disabled owing to their parents’ exposure to the dioxin. Symptoms range from diabetes and heart disease to physical and learning disabilities.
People re-enact the self-portraits they took for the social networking site MySpace. The photographer contacted fellow Berliners, asking them to remake the photos in the place they had originally been taken. He captured the exact moment at which the flash went off.
Atlantic sailfish drive sardines into a bait ball, off the Yucatan coast, Mexico. Sailfish get their name from the large dorsal fin that stretches almost the entire length of their body and is higher than their bodies are thick. They can swim at speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. Their size, speed and spirited fight make sailfish a favorite among big-game fishers.