
Davide Monteleone  義大利  / Contrasto for The New York Times Style Magazine


二月時,跨行從事時裝設計的義大利女演員Valeria Marini在米蘭時裝週的作品發表。

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Martin Roemers 荷蘭  / Panos Pictures



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 Feisal Omar  索馬利亞 /  路透社


A man carries a shark through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, in September. The capital had seen some heavy shelling that month, part of the conflict between Islamist militants and pro-government troops. Sharks form a large portion of total Somali fish landings. The fish is not commonly eaten in Somalia, but shark meat is dried and salted for export.

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Daniel Berehulak  澳洲  / Getty Images



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Seamus Murphy  愛爾蘭   / VII Photo Agency


Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, emerges from a panel discussion at the University of London, on 30 September. During the year, WikiLeaks had made public a large batch of classified US military documents on Iraq and Afghanistan. It went on to release sensitive correspondence between American, Middle-Eastern, and other international diplomats, including revelations on the stance taken by Palestinian negotiators in connection with Israel. At the beginning of September, the Swedish Director of Prosecutions re-opened a previously dropped case against Assange on allegations of sexual assault. The following month an international warrant was issued for his arrest, sparking accusations of a smear campaign.

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從電影看世界 Look at the World through Film



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 2002 年,39歲的華爾街日報記者Daniel Pearl在巴基斯坦調查蓋達組織時遭到綁架,最後不幸遇難。不久後,他的家人以其名在美國創辦了一個基金會,其中最主要的任務不是宣傳反恐,而是舉辦世界音樂節。因為生前非常喜歡音樂的Daniel深信「音樂」是很有力的工具,能帶著我們一步步跨越文化的鴻溝。


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04+Riccardo+Venturi.jpg  Riccardo Venturi  義大利   Contrasto


A girl looks on as the Marché Hyppolite in Port-au-Prince burns, on 18 January, six days after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. The market, popularly known as the Marché en Fer (Iron Market) was a city landmark, dating back to 1891. The devastation caused by the earthquake appeared to paralyze authorities, leading to accusations of indecision and delay when it came to clean-up operations. But the enormity of the task that faced them, together with an infrastructure already weakened by decades of violent political instability and economic deprivation, were also to blame. The Marché en Fer was one of the first buildings in the capital to be restored, thanks largely to an € 8.8 million cash injection by a private donor. A year after the earthquake struck Haiti, just 5 percent of the resultant rubble had been removed from Port-au-Prince, but the Iron Market had re-opened for business with some 900 vendors.


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03Corentin+Fohlens.jpg    Corentin Fohlen  法國   Fedephoto


Red Shirt protestors clash with Thai government forces in mid-May, in the Silom commercial district of Bangkok. The clashes were part of a two-month stand-off between the Red Shirts and the authorities. Thailand had been gripped by political unrest since Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted in a military coup in September 2006. Elections in 2008 had placed Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Democratic Party leader, in power. But the Red Shirts, coming largely from among the rural poor who had benefited from Thaksin’s policies, opposed him. Protestors hurled rocks and set fire to tires in the street. Troops and the police countered with rubber bullets, tear gas, and live ammunition. On 19 May, Red Shirt leaders surrendered, telling their supporters to end the protest. Even after the call to surrender, some demonstrators said they would fight on. By the time unrest finally died down at the end of May, over 80 people had been killed and some 2,000 injured.

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第五十四屆世界新聞攝影競賽的年度首獎由南非攝影師Jodi Bieber獲得,她的作品-阿富汗女子Bibi Aisha的肖像也在單幅肖像類中獲得首獎,該照片是Jodi Bieber為《時代雜誌》所拍攝,刊登在2010年8月9日出刊的雜誌封面。

Jodi Bieber的得獎照片是一名18歲阿富汗女子Aisha的肖像,她來自阿富汗的Oruzgan省,因為不堪夫家暴力相向,而逃回娘家。一天夜裡,塔利班上門捉人,要求她接受審判。塔利班的指揮官宣布判決之後,Aisha的小叔將她按住,由她的丈夫行刑,殘忍地割去雙耳和鼻子,然後再將Aisha棄之不顧,所幸因社工和美軍的營救,她進入了位於喀布爾(Kabul)的女性避難所。不久後,Aisha被帶往美國接受心理輔導和整形手術。如今,她仍住在美國。

評審主席David Burnett說:「有些照片是當別人提起『那位女子的照片…』的時候,你馬上就知道他在說什麼。我們一生中大概只有十張這樣的照片,而這張照片可能就是其中之一。」

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