2002 年,39歲的華爾街日報記者Daniel Pearl在巴基斯坦調查蓋達組織時遭到綁架,最後不幸遇難。不久後,他的家人以其名在美國創辦了一個基金會,其中最主要的任務不是宣傳反恐,而是舉辦世界音樂節。因為生前非常喜歡音樂的Daniel深信「音樂」是很有力的工具,能帶著我們一步步跨越文化的鴻溝。
In 2002, Daniel Pearl, a 39-year-old American journalist with the Wall Street Journal, was kidnapped and subsequently killed while conducting an investigation into Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. Not long after Pearl’s death, a foundation in his name was formed by his family with the mission to further his ideals through promoting world music in concerts instead of engaging in anti-terrorism campaign. As an avid music lover, Daniel deeply believed that music is a compelling vehicle capable of leading us to arch over cultural gaps.
Music arising from each culture allows us to hear the differences among people. Through music, we may have a chance to treat different cultures with respect and benevolence. Therefore, this year’s World Press Photo Exhibition will feature music from around the world in the hope that the distance among cultures or prejudice against each other can be diminished. Hopefully, music can help us find that invisible bridge joining all of us. Hopefully, music can dissolve boundaries and borders so that we can truly appreciate how closely we are connected with each other in this world.
演出地點venue_紙場1918 / The Paper Mill台北市士林區福德路31號/ #31,Fu-de Rd., Shilin, Taipei
韓國樂團숨[suːm] + 科羅曼德印度融合樂團 Coromandel Express
長笛/印度笛/豎琴/主唱│蘇珮卿 + 西塔琴│金光亮平 + 塔不拉鼓│若池敏弘 + 甘及拉/打擊│白克迪
Korean band 숨[suːm] + Indian fusion music Coromandel Express
reeded pipe, piri (bamboo pipe) | Park ji ha + kayagum | Seo jung min
flutes/harp/vocals | Paige + sitar | Yo + tabla | Waka + kanjira /percussion | Cody
布吉納法索鼓樂Issouf Koné
Burkina Faso jembe player | Issouf Koné
主唱│彭靖惠 +大提琴│張道文 + 鋼琴│程繶家+ 手風琴│程希智 (iTango愛探戈樂團團長)
Orquesta Siempre Tango
vocal | Yvonne Peng + cello | Annie Chang + piano | Kate Cheng + bandoneon | Alvin Cheng (Director of iTango)
音樂無國界 (多國音樂家即興演出)
music without borders (improvisation of music from various countries)
團長 /魔力單甘鼓│Poovalur Sriji + 長笛│蘇珮卿 + 鋼琴/風琴 │曾增譯 + 貝斯│吳馬丁 + 爵士鼓│白克迪
Indian Jazz Fusion Taipei edition「The Bridge Ensemble」
concert director /mridangam│Poovalur Sriji + flute | Paige Su + piano/accordion | Mike Zheng + bass | Martijn Vanbuel + drums | Cody Byassee
5.15 Sun│4:00-5:30
特別來賓│Poovalur Sriji + 長笛/印度笛/豎琴/主唱│蘇珮卿 + 西塔琴│金光亮平 + 塔不拉鼓│若池敏弘 + 甘及拉/打擊│白克迪
Coromandel Express
special guest | Poovalur Sriji + flutes/harp/vocals | Paige + sitar | Yo + tabla | Waka + kanjira /percussion | Cody