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JR是世界新聞攝影比賽的得獎者,請看他的一段分享 / JR's TED Prize wish: Use art to turn the world inside out

JR個人網站 http://www.insideoutproject.net/

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闊別十二年之後,David Burnett再度挑起大樑,擔任了本屆世界新聞攝影比賽的評審團主席。

David Burnett網站http://www.davidburnett.com/

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Ed Ou  加拿大  Reportage by Getty Images

每年有數千人為了逃離「非洲之角」地區的戰亂和貧窮,冒著生命危險渡過亞丁灣,來到葉門。順利抵達的人之中,有三分之一來自飽受內戰之苦的索馬利亞,該國三十年來軍閥割據, 沒有一個能控制全國的中央政府。光是2010年的上半年,就有超過6,600名索馬利亞人逃到葉門。


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Ed Kashi   美國  / VII Photo Agency

九歲的Nguyen Thi Li住在越南中部大城峴港的五行山區,因為「橘劑」這種化學落葉劑造成了她的身體缺陷。越戰期間,美軍在森林和農田噴灑橘劑,試圖讓越共游擊隊失去作戰時的掩護和食物來源。這種落葉劑中使用的戴奧辛化合物是長效性毒素,會遺傳給後代,因此即使四十年後毒害依然存在。越南紅十字會估計,有超過十五萬名越南兒童是因父母曾曝露在戴奧辛中而出現身體缺陷,包括糖尿病、心臟病、肢體和學習障礙。

Nguyen Thi Li (9), who lives in the Ngu Hanh Son district of Da Nang in Vietnam, suffers from disabilities believed to be caused by the defoliating chemical Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, US forces sprayed Agent Orange over forests and farmland in an attempt to deprive Viet Cong guerrillas of cover and food. The dioxin compound used in the defoliant is a long-acting toxin that can be passed down genetically, so it is still having an impact forty years on. The Vietnam Red Cross estimates that some 150,000 Vietnamese children are disabled owing to their parents’ exposure to the dioxin. Symptoms range from diabetes and heart disease to physical and learning disabilities.

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Wolfram Hahn 德國


People re-enact the self-portraits they took for the social networking site MySpace. The photographer contacted fellow Berliners, asking them to remake the photos in the place they had originally been taken. He captured the exact moment at which the flash went off.

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Stefano Unterthiner 義大利  / 國家地理雜誌



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18Reinhard+Dirscherls.jpg  Reinhard Dirscherl  德國  / for Mare


Atlantic sailfish drive sardines into a bait ball, off the Yucatan coast, Mexico. Sailfish get their name from the large dorsal fin that stretches almost the entire length of their body and is higher than their bodies are thick. They can swim at speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour. Their size, speed and spirited fight make sailfish a favorite among big-game fishers.

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Daniele Tamagni  義大利



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Davide Monteleone  義大利  / Contrasto for The New York Times Style Magazine


二月時,跨行從事時裝設計的義大利女演員Valeria Marini在米蘭時裝週的作品發表。

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Martin Roemers 荷蘭  / Panos Pictures



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 Feisal Omar  索馬利亞 /  路透社


A man carries a shark through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, in September. The capital had seen some heavy shelling that month, part of the conflict between Islamist militants and pro-government troops. Sharks form a large portion of total Somali fish landings. The fish is not commonly eaten in Somalia, but shark meat is dried and salted for export.

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Daniel Berehulak  澳洲  / Getty Images



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Seamus Murphy  愛爾蘭   / VII Photo Agency


Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, emerges from a panel discussion at the University of London, on 30 September. During the year, WikiLeaks had made public a large batch of classified US military documents on Iraq and Afghanistan. It went on to release sensitive correspondence between American, Middle-Eastern, and other international diplomats, including revelations on the stance taken by Palestinian negotiators in connection with Israel. At the beginning of September, the Swedish Director of Prosecutions re-opened a previously dropped case against Assange on allegations of sexual assault. The following month an international warrant was issued for his arrest, sparking accusations of a smear campaign.

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04+Riccardo+Venturi.jpg  Riccardo Venturi  義大利   Contrasto


A girl looks on as the Marché Hyppolite in Port-au-Prince burns, on 18 January, six days after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. The market, popularly known as the Marché en Fer (Iron Market) was a city landmark, dating back to 1891. The devastation caused by the earthquake appeared to paralyze authorities, leading to accusations of indecision and delay when it came to clean-up operations. But the enormity of the task that faced them, together with an infrastructure already weakened by decades of violent political instability and economic deprivation, were also to blame. The Marché en Fer was one of the first buildings in the capital to be restored, thanks largely to an € 8.8 million cash injection by a private donor. A year after the earthquake struck Haiti, just 5 percent of the resultant rubble had been removed from Port-au-Prince, but the Iron Market had re-opened for business with some 900 vendors.


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03Corentin+Fohlens.jpg    Corentin Fohlen  法國   Fedephoto


Red Shirt protestors clash with Thai government forces in mid-May, in the Silom commercial district of Bangkok. The clashes were part of a two-month stand-off between the Red Shirts and the authorities. Thailand had been gripped by political unrest since Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was ousted in a military coup in September 2006. Elections in 2008 had placed Abhisit Vejjajiva, the Democratic Party leader, in power. But the Red Shirts, coming largely from among the rural poor who had benefited from Thaksin’s policies, opposed him. Protestors hurled rocks and set fire to tires in the street. Troops and the police countered with rubber bullets, tear gas, and live ammunition. On 19 May, Red Shirt leaders surrendered, telling their supporters to end the protest. Even after the call to surrender, some demonstrators said they would fight on. By the time unrest finally died down at the end of May, over 80 people had been killed and some 2,000 injured.

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